-Main focus
-What food is good for you?
- Food Pyramid
-Creating a meal
In this lesson, we are going to have to really repeat and emphasize on the correct nutrition for the children. Kids never want to hear that something they LOVE could be possibly be bad for them, like CANDY! It's hard as a parent to get your children to try and like green foods, so, as a teacher it can be even more frustrating to communicate that sugars and candy can really do some damage to your body. So your job as the teacher is to educate, Yes educate the young children in what the correct foods to eat by going through the Food Pyramid. This will help them to see the Origins of foods and the difference between Processed and Organic foods.
Processed Foods- Is any food that is taken and prepared out it's natural state.
Organic Foods- Is any food in it's original state.
Created Foods- Are foods that are made in a factory like candies and junk food.
What Food is Good for you?
Okay Kiddos, I want you all to tell me , What foods do you think are good for you? ( Let each child respond and encourage their true opinion). Well, today I want to show you something that helps us grown-ups and kids to make a balanced diet. A balanced diet is taking all the main food groups and make meals throughout the day that cover all of your nutrition needs. What I want to show you is "The Food Pyramid". The food pyramid helps us to organize all the different types of foods there are, so we know what to eat during Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.

There are about 6 basic different Food groups, we can classify them as:
Group 1- Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta
Group 2- Vegetables
Group 3- Fruits
Group 4- Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs and Nuts
Group 5- Milk, Yogurt and Cheese
Group 6- Fats, Oils and Sweets
-Now Kiddos, it's not bad to eat some of these foods sometimes or on special occasions. What I want all of you to understand is that you should never eat these kinds of foods in replacement of a full meal. None of these foods can give you the nutrients that organic foods can give you.
-Take into class a stack of magazines that have the common theme of food. Let the kids cut out and paste their favorite healthy meal. Encourage the differences in junk food and Healthy food. Have the kids present their meals when everyone is done.
It would be interesting to use the improved food pyramid from the textbook in this.
Thankyou, got it!