-Main focus
-Learning goals
- What can you do?

This is only the beginning in our road of education to being a more Earth conscious people. If this was the only reason to have a force behind conservation, then it would be sufficient. If it were only for the education that we could enjoy nature for; then we would be a very smart population but a popuplation in distress. There needs to be action. We need to move. Conservation is the key!

What can you do?
-Everyone can participate in the work of restoring their neighborhood around them. Most people just don't know how easy it is. With a little education and initiative; you can make a great contribution to nature. Don't we all want our future generations to enjoy the beautiful, rich, and breath-taking world that we have?
1. Pick up Litter- With your fellow classmates and parent teachers, you can circle your neighborhood, school, religous facity, or near by park. If you really open your eyes, you will see that litter is everywhere, just pick it up!
2. Remove invasive species- Learn and find out what kind of invasive species are in your neighbord and what attracts them. You can do removal of invasive species in your yard or on campus, really; anywhere! It's something as simple as pulling weeds and moving rocks.

4. Plant a tree or a garden- You can never go wrong with planting a tree and keeping up on it's growth. Everyone should plant atleast one tree in their life as payment of debt to nature.One of the best ways to do that is creating your own garden to watch and tend to. You will be amazed how thing's you plant Grow on you!

Environmental Science: A Global Concern- Cunningham & Cunningham, Eleventh Edition(2010)