Monday, February 28, 2011


-The main focus and main idea explained
-Learning goals
-Focus on 5 different Habitats
-Finger-paint their favorite animal in their Habitat.

In this lesson we will be exploring the wide world of Habitats. In order to understand Ecology, it is imperative to understand how dear every habitat is to its animal owner. We want to emphasize in the safety, warmth comfortable, life-maintaining aspects of a habitat. The child should be able to identify at least 5 different Habitats, Desert, Farm, City, Polar and rainforest. We also want the child to be able to tell you his or her habitat and what makes it special. Always remember “Food, Shelter, Water and Space, makes a Habitat a wonderful place”.

Kids, today we are going to talk about Habitats. Habitats are the places where different animals lives. Remember that not all animals live in the same place, so that means there are a lot of different Habitats. Today, I’m only going to show you 5 different Habitats and you are going to tell me what kind of animals live in these places.
  1. Desert- Camels, Goats, Snakes, Reptiles.
  2. Farm- Cows, Sheep, Horses.
  3. Polar- Penguins, Seal, Bears.
  4. City- Humans, Squirrels, Dogs & Cats.
  5. Rain Forest- Insects, Reptiles, Jaguar, Boar, Plants & Trees.

4 main things that make a Habitat are:
            1.Food- every animal needs to eat to survive, he should be able to find food close by. Hunted, Caught, Bought, etc.
            2.Water- Water is the most important for survival. Water is used to drink, clean, and is the Habitat for all fish.
            3. Shelter- Every animal needs a home. A place where they can find refuge, birth offspring, and safety.
            4. Space- each animal was to feels comfortable in their Habitat, and each one picks their space accordingly.

-       Kids are to paint their favorite animal in their own Habitat. Each child should be able to point out details of their particular Habitat.

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